I promised myself the last time I stepped off an airplane back in August 2008, that I would never fly again. Ever.
It wasn't a bad flight. That's not it. I just simply do not like flying. I like my feet firmly planted on solid ground. I have only flown 4 times in my 31 years of existance, a record my 11 year old could run circles around, and all 4 times I was a complete nervous wreak. It's just not my thing.
So, you can imagine my husband's surprise (and mine, too!) when I woke up one morning last month and told him I felt the Lord tugging on my heart and urging me to go to Guatemala.
Back up - Why Guatemala, you ask? What could possibly be there?
A lot, surprisingly!
My uncle began working with an amazing group down there, Hope of Life, Int, who is in partnership with World Help. After his daughter Kelly went home to be with the Lord, at the age of 38, after a courageous battle with breast cancer, he began looking for something. Something from the Lord that would help restore his faith and help others. When he found Hope of Life and heard of their immediate needs for a special needs home for the children in the area, he went to work. When the rest of our family heard - Remember, there is a lot of us! - we all went to work. Some of us even baked hundreds, close to thousands, of cupcakes for months and sold them at street stands with our children - celebrating every dollar that was collected. The goal was met in December of 2011. Ground was broke January of 2012 and the end is in sight! The dedication is set for July 28th & the home will be in memory of my beautiful cousin - something so appropriate since she was a nurse and
also had a huge heart for babies and children.
Now, fast forward to today. Why am I going again?
Honestly - I'm not sure. Truly, I am just a stay-at-home mom with nothing more to give than some shlepped cupcakes on the street. I have no missions experience, I don't speak Spanish, and I have never left the country. (Canada does not count!)
Seriously though, the most obvious reason is that it will be an honor to stand as a part of Kelly's family as the building is dedicated and opened. It will be quite a sight to see the doors opened & to know this place will be a beacon of light for generations to come.
But, there is something more - I trust the Lord in that He telling me to use my words. My blog. My camera. Twitter. Facebook. Use it all to spread the word about what He is doing down in Guatemala. I am excited to see how God will use my trip to this place and am praying I remain faithful to what He wants. In the end, I am praying HE is glorified in it all.
Today, please take a couple minutes out of your day and check out this short video about
Hope of Life - have a couple tissues handy, too: