I had seen the baby rescue clips on World Help's web site. So, I did realize we were walking into a dire circumstance. Just like when you call 911 when you need emergency help, that is what this is - these baby rescues are their 911. It's the only help that is coming for them.
As we stepped inside the small, dark hut, I was immediately greeted by the face of a child in pain. Severe pain. His chubby cheeks were not of sign of healthful eating. No - it was a sign of something much different.
Kevin's mother told us he had been diagnosed with cancer and became swollen 8 days prior. My mother, an RN, asked her some more questions and the outlook began to look even more grim. This particular rescue soon turned into more of a Hospice case - this boy needed help and comfort to pass on. He was in organ failure. I do believe in miracles and DO believe God can heal a person all the way until the very end - but, I also understand that sometimes that it not the answer. Sometimes God says yes to our prayers and heals the sick. And then there are times that God answers yes, takes them home & they receive their eternal healing.
Kevin's brother rode next to me on the bus back to Hope of Life. I placed myself in his shoes and it all felt so surreal - What was he thinking? What was he feeling? How would I feel to be in such a desperate situation? I really could only imagine. One thing I knew for sure - this family loved Kevin.
Arriving at the rescue center.
The World Help team:
Vernon Brewer, Noel Brewer Yeatts, Tom Thompson & Sal Vargas (Hope of Life)
We received word that Kevin passed away just 5 days after this picture was taken.
I wish I could say there was a miraculous healing that took place but that just isn't Kevin's story. Kevin's life is a story all too familiar in these countries - No proper medical care is available for these families. There is no St. Jude's Hospital to take them to. No fundraisers to be had for the medical expenses even if there was a facility that could treat him. Clean water and adequate food..? The answer is also no. These basic ammenities that you an I take for granted each day are just a distant idea for so many suffering in this world. What can we do to make any kind of difference?
Consider a donation - big or small - to Hope of Life today. Hope of Life was the love of Jesus to this little boy in his last days. Kevin was not only surrounded by his family during his passing, but also by a slew of people who fervanly prayed for him. Kevin touched us all.
May his story not be in vain. May his life be used to rescue more babies in desperate whose stories are still being told.